
i can't sit back this time............Hearts for Haiti

when disaster strikes - locally or internationally - i want to help
but i never know what to do
or if i have an idea - i don't know where to start

this is my year to just jump in

i spent last night thinking about what i can do for the children in haiti
the scared
the lonely
the orphaned

my heart goes out to them
and this is how i got my idea for hearts for haiti

my idea is to make heart shaped pillows - each with a pocket on the back that holds a doll.  the doll is a very simple one with either a skirt or pants sewn on and heart on the chest (the heart on the doll matching the fabric of the pillow)  i would use recycled fabrics as much as i could.

lisa from rosamund is interested in helping with this idea of creating something personal for the victims in haiti. 

i am going to present this idea to my boys' home and school association and my church to see if i could get the children involved b/c quite frankly its for children and how special to receive something from children!  wouldn't it be great if we could get children from all around this country to make these pillows?

i have no idea how many we'd actually make or how we would get them to haiti and into the hands of the children.............but quite honestly i think if we just make the pillows - God will do the rest.

will you consider joining?  even if your family wants to make a pillow/doll and send it to me to add to whatever we make that would be wonderful!!

edited to add - i am starting a new blog to focus solely on the hearts campaign with our first project being hearts for haiti! come join us!


  1. Sign me up! I'm right there with you -- I feel that pull to do *something*, but can never figure out what or how. This sounds great.

  2. Sign me up too. I think that this is wonderful, and I do want to contribute to doing something for this incredible tragedy. Please put me down

  3. What a lovely idea! Sign me up! I could even see if our HSA wants to participate.

  4. Lorena, we will try! Love your idea.

  5. What a lovely initiative!! Thank you for leaving the comment on my blog, I will link back to here
