
what's the story morning glory?

sometime in august i began to seriously neglect my garden.  my beds are overgrown, my containers are dead - its not a pretty sight.  i finally mustered up the courage to walk around and access the damage...formulating a plan for fall clean-up (which i have to admit i love just as much as spring planting) when i spotted the morning glories. 

what a mess they are making!  they have wrapped themselves around the hydrangea bushes and up the birdhouse pole.  they are hiding among the bushes and between the pots.  they will require a lot of time ripping out...........but how can you be mad at them? 

all around i see red and yellow leaves - maroon and orange mums......i must say a pop of blue here and there is quite nice. 

so i suppose i'll keep them where they are. clean up can always wait a few weeks more.   

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